Rates & Policies


2024-2025 Class Tuition

1st Class: $80 per month
2nd Class: $65 per month
Each additional class: $50 per month
(Tuition rates are per account)

Tuition Policies

  • Tuition fees are based on a ten (10) month season divided into equal monthly payments.
  • All tuition is due on the 1st of the month.
  • All tuition is non-refundable - including, but not limited to, seasonal classes, dance camps, private lessons and birthday parties.
  • FootNotes does not mail out monthly tuition statements, so auto-billing is required.
  • All correspondence will be sent via e-mail, so please be sure we have the appropriate email address on file.
  • There will be a $25 fee for all returned checks.
  • There are no refunds for missed classes.
  • A 30-day written notice is required to withdraw from any class. Students will be responsible for all tuition charges within that 30 days.
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Registration Fee

FootNotes requires a $35 registration fee for the first student or $50 per family. The registration fee is non-refundable. The registration fee for returning students is $25.

Late Fee

Tuition is due on the 1st of the month. A $15 late fee will be applied to all accounts that are past due ten (10) days or more.

NSF Fees

A $25 fee will be charged for a check returned with non-sufficient funds (NSF).

Recital Fees

All FootNotes students are expected to participate in our annual recital. This is an exciting and rewarding experience when students can demonstrate their talents and abilities. Public performances help to develop confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of accomplishment.

Recital fees are $175 for the first class on your account, and $125 for each additional class. The fee will cover the cost of one costume, a class photo in the program, participation in the rehearsal and recital, and a high-definition professional recording of the show.

Recital fee payments may be made in full or on account until October 15th. We encourage families with multiple recital fees to make monthly payments in August, September and October. Costumes will only be ordered for those students whose fees have been paid in full. Late fees will be charged. Recital fees are refundable until November 10th. Alterations may be needed and are the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

Studio Policies

Studio Etiquette

  • All students and parents will be respectful at all times to the instructors, other students and parents. Profanity, negative attitudes, and gossiping should not be brought into the studio.
  • Students, parents and siblings are asked to clean up after themselves and respect all studio property.
  • While classes are in session, please do not open the dance room door. It is very disruptive to the dancers.
  • The lobby is not a play area. Siblings of students in class are expected to sit quietly and must remain supervised.
  • There is absolutely no running, shouting, or eating in the dance studios or FootNotes lobby. Anyone causing a distraction could be asked to leave.
  • Dancers may not enter a classroom without an instructor present.
  • Do not bring food or gum into the studio. Water bottles are allowed. FootNotes provides water fountains.


Students are expected to be present and on time for all classes. It is very important that all dancers and acrobats get the appropriate warm-up needed to avoid injury. Please notify the school if a student expects to be absent.

Class Withdrawal/Drop

A 30-day written notice is required to withdraw from any class. Students will be responsible for all tuition charges within that 30 days. FootNotes reserves the right to drop any student from our register for any reason, including: excessive lateness or absence; disruptive behavior; or non-payment of tuition or other charges.

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Dress Code

Students must be properly dressed for classes in order to participate. Students not wearing the proper attire for more than two (2) weeks will not be allowed to participate in class. Please view our dress code page for detailed information on required dance and footwear.

Bathroom Use

Pre-school and Kindergarten parents - Please take your child to the restroom before class to avoid accidents and disruption of the class.

Studio Closures & Inclement Weather

In case of inclement weather, FootNotes will follow Fulton County’s decision on school closings. There is NO refund when the studio must close, and FootNotes does not observe teacher workdays. All studio closings are listed on our studio calendar.

Class Observation

Parents, siblings, and observers are not permitted in the classroom at any time. We need your dancer’s full attention. The studio is equipped with a closed circuit television network. You will be able to view your child’s class on one of our flat screen televisions once or twice a month.

Pick-up and Drop-off

Please drop-off and pick-up your child within 10 minutes of class time, as we are very busy and cannot provide your child with the attention they deserve to be safe. Late (more than 15 min.) pick-ups will be charged a fee.

Do not park at the curb for pick-up; it jeopardizes the safety of our students and other drivers. Please have your child wait inside until someone comes in to pick them up. We cannot supervise them if they are waiting outside the studio.


All students are expected to participate in our annual recital. This is an exciting and rewarding experience when students can demonstrate their talents and abilities. It helps to develop confidence, self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment. Recital fee payments may be made in full or on account until October 15th. We encourage families with multiple recital fees to make monthly payments in August, September and October.

Recital costumes will only be ordered for those students whose fees have been paid in full. Late fees will be charged. Recital fees are refundable until November 10th. If for any reason a student is unable to continue after the recital fee refundable date, no refunds will be given, nor will they be entitled to any of the benefits included with recital fees. Alterations on costumes may be needed and are the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Costumes are not custom made.

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